Episode 023
This is a series of recordings with my friends and family on the topic of the only games they need to play ever. The challenge here is compress years of gaming into a list of the Only 20 to play.
You can think of it as a desert island list or if you had to erase all other gaming experiences, which ones would float to the top? Which games had stories, mechanics, or memories so affecting for you that you could distill all of your digital amuse-tainment value to such a list.
This prompt was inspired by a friend’s passing comment to me, “you only have time for like 20 games in your life.” And honestly I think in a lot of ways that is true.
What’s the best.
Understandably this list is subject to change…maybe but for now Rob is my first guest and his list is nothing short of surprises. As we share a history of playing games together, it’s interesting to me to see where we diverge in taste and the reasoning behind that.
1. Mario Sunshine
2. Castlevania Symphony
3. Final Fantasy 7
4. Diablo 2 online
5. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
6. Elder Scrolls Skyrim
7. Just Cause 3
8. Metal Gear Solid V
10. MW 4 / BLOPS2
11. Destiny 2
12. Portal
13. Minecraft Mohjang Edition
14. Dragon Age Inquisition
15. Mario Kart
16. Transistor
17. Bioshock 2
18. Final Fantasy Tactics
19. Hades
20. Deep rock Galactic
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And thank you for listening!
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Special Thanks
Illustration – Evan McIntyre