A Strong Female Protagonist

Between Players
Between Players
A Strong Female Protagonist

Episode 001

Everything about the gaming industry in its current state is very clearly built around appeasing their primary audience or whom the industry sees as the largest audience.

Gender representation, and more specifically, the portrayal of women is a big topic right now in video games. Within the vast library of content we have to pick from, how is it that the portrayal, roles, and playable options for female gamers and game characters appear to be so narrow?

When I refer to narrow options, I am referring to how these characters look and interact with the environment they are confined to. Not just as a different skin on a model 3d model, but a wholly unique character.

As a male gamer I have a myriad of well designed options to choose from when representing myself in a game. But I am rarely impressed with what publishers produce as a Strong Female Protagonist.

In this first episode I sit down and have a chat with my buddy and fellow gamer, Stacie about her thoughts on female representation in games.

Special Thanks

Illustartion Evan McIntyre
Audio Consulting Josh Hunt
Music Anamanaguchi – Dawn Metropolis